Monday, March 2, 2015

Curious Facts

Cannibalistic fish.

A fisherman in Italy has caught a giant cannibalistic fish weighing in at a hefty 120kg. Dino Ferrari hooked the Wels catfish, measuring 2.7m in length, last week in the Po Delta in northern Italy. 

It’s so huge it could be the biggest catfish ever caught with a rod and reel. Wels catfish can grow as long as 4m and weigh up to 390kg, although it is extremely rare to catch one over two metres long. They are known to even eat pigeons who have strayed too close, and can live up to 80 years old.

Curious Facts

Gold or Blue?

People all over the internet are freaking out over the color of this dress. Some people see white and gold, while others see blue and black. Tells us in the comments section what colour you can see!